Hello all,

I was wondering how I can evaluate the dynamic g4 files? That is, after running a mod file with stoch_simul(order=4) the preprocessor creates
- dynamic.m
- dynamic_g1.m; dynamic_g1_nz.m; dynamic_g1_tt.m;
- dynamic_g2.m; dynamic_g2_nz.m; dynamic_g2_tt.m;
- dynamic_g3.m; dynamic_g3_nz.m; dynamic_g3_tt.m;
- dynamic_g4.m; dynamic_g4_tt.m;

Now I can evaluate the dynamic files up to third order using:
[~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([M_.fname,'.dynamic'], oo_.dr.ys(I), oo_.exo_steady_state', M_.params, oo_.dr.ys, 1);
g3 = unfold_g3(g3, length(oo_.dr.ys(I))+length(oo_.exo_steady_state')); %add symmetric elements

What is the correct command to get g4?
[~, g1, g2, g3, g4] = feval([M_.fname,'.dynamic'], oo_.dr.ys(I), oo_.exo_steady_state', M_.params, oo_.dr.ys, 1);
is not working. Also, is g4 without symmetric elements, i.e. will I need to write something like unfold_g4.m as well?


Dr. Willi Mutschler

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
Institut für Ökonometrie und Wirtschaftsstatistik (Raum 305)
Am Stadtgraben 9
48143 Münster
Tel.  +49 251 83-22954
Fax  +49 251 83-22012

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