Dynare Conference 2024

Posted on 26 June 2024

The 18th annual Dynare Conference will be held in person at the National University of Singapore from December 12-13, 2024 in Singapore. The conference is organized by the Department of Economics at the National University Singapore, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, together with DSGE-net, and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP.

The keynote speakers will be Eric Leeper (University of Virginia) and Todd Schoellman (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis).

We welcome theoretical, empirical, and quantitative submissions on all topics within macro. We seek papers using different types of software tools besides Dynare.

All papers should be submitted via the submission form. The deadline for submissions is August September 15th, 2024 and notifications of acceptance will be sent by September 26th, 2024. There is no fee to attend, lunch on both days and a conference dinner will be provided. Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for their airfare and accommodation.

For any other requests, please contact: conference@dynare.org.

Call for papers