Dynare Summer School 2021
Posted on 25 March 2021The Dynare Summer School 2021 will take place from June 21-25, 2021. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the summer school will be held online.
Goals of the Summer School
The school will provide an introduction to Dynare and to Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) modeling.
The course will focus on the simulation and estimation of DSGE models with Dynare. The school will also be the occasion to introduce the next official major release of Dynare (version 4.7).
The Dynare Summer School is aimed at beginners as well as at more experienced researchers. PhD students are encouraged to participate.
Preliminary program
Interested parties can apply by sending a CV and a recent research paper (PDFs only) to school@dynare.org.
Applications should be submitted no later than May 15, 2021. We will confirm acceptance by May 30, 2021.
People working in organizations that are members of DSGE-net (Bank of Finland, Banque de France, Capital Group, European Central Bank, Norges Bank, Sverige Riksbank, Swiss National Bank) should register via their network representative.
Registration Fee
Since the summer school will take place online, there will be no registration fee this year.
- Stéphane Adjemian (Université du Maine)
- Michel Juillard (Banque de France)
- Frédéric Karamé (Université du Maine)
- Willi Mutschler (University of Tübingen)
- Johannes Pfeifer (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Marco Ratto (European Commission Joint Research Centre)
- Sébastien Villemot (CEPREMAP)
This workshop is organized with the support of CEPREMAP, Banque de France, and DSGE-net.
Workshop Organization
Each participant is required to have an internet connection and a machine equiped with MATLAB R2014a or later. As an alternative to MATLAB, it is possible to use GNU Octave (free software, compatible with MATLAB syntax).