Dynare 4.5.5 Released

Posted on 08 June 2018

We are pleased to announce the release of Dynare 4.5.5.

This is a bugfix release.

The Windows packages are already available for download at:


The Mac package will follow soon.

This release is compatible with MATLAB versions 7.5 (R2007b) to 9.3 (R2018a) and with GNU Octave versions 4.2.

Here is a list of the problems identified in version 4.5.4 and that have been fixed in version 4.5.5:

  • Identification was crashing during prior sampling if ar was initially too low.
  • The align method on dseries did not return a functional second dseries output.
  • Predetermined variables were not properly set when used in model local variables.
  • perfect_foresight_solver with option stack_solve_algo=7 was not working correctly when an exogenous variable has a lag greater than 1.
  • identification with prior_mc option would crash if the number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters.
  • Calling several times normcdf or normpdf with the same arguments in a model with block decomposition (but not bytecode) was leading to incorrect results.